As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.(John 9:4)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tomb said to be of Christ

In the Star newspaper (World - W37) dated today, it was reported...

New York: A new documentary by Titanic director James Cameron claims Jesus had a wife and a son, citing evidence from his alleged burial site that contradicts the Bible's account that the Christian son of God was single. Cameron and his co-filmmaker Israel-born Simcha Jacobovici said on Monday their research suggested Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a son, Judah, who were buried with him in the Israel cemetery.... and blah blah blah (you can get the full news from the Star Newspaper)

The recent Da Vinci Code movie was already a washed-out. All the evidences that they claimed true were disproved. So, what we have now - another controversial issue about Jesus deity? Not again? Didn’t the skeptics learnt their lesson? Of course, the skeptics never share the same view. Dan Brown claimed Jesus descendants settled down nicely in France and now, we have the whole family buried in Jerusalem. And each claimed they had found the truth!! James Cameron said, “as a documentary film maker, I should not be afraid of pursuing truth.” I suspect its more the money he is after than anything else. Sorry, I am no “Titanic” fan.

Anyway, controversies such as these can be real good platforms for us to share about the good news. So, all is not lost – perhaps, it is free publicity for the Christians. Did you smell opportunities to invite your friends for our upcoming Easter Celebration?

Let us celebrate His resurrection. Indeed, He is alive today!

You can read more about this subject in the following links:-
Academy Winner of “Titanic” James Cameron Navigates “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” (

Discovery Channel to roll out Freemason Cameron on Jesus Tomb Claim (

Scepticism expressed about Lost Tomb of Jesus claim(


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